Special Vespers (Season 5):
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity: Sunday 19th January, 4pm
Solemnity of St Benedict: Friday 21st March, 6pm

Daily Prayer
You are very welcome to pray the Divine Office with us at
St John the Baptist's Church, Kemptown at the following times:
Lauds (Morning Prayer): Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri, Sat - 9am
Vespers (Evening Prayer): Mon, Tues, Wed - 6pm | Sat, Sun - 5pm
Midday Stillness Season 5
Fridays from 17th January to 11th April, 2025
Join our community for an hour of music, prayer and reflection in
St John the Baptist’s Church, Kemptown -every Friday, 12 noon to 1pm.

Saturday Sanctuary Season 5
Saturday 1st Feb, 1st Mar, 29th Mar
Join us for a morning of fellowship, reflection, prayer and silence in the
Fitzherbert Community Hub, (adjacent to St John the Baptist’s Church, Kemptown), on selected Saturdays - from 10.10am to 12.15pm
5th April - Lent Day Retreat
Join us for a Day of talks, and time for reflection, prayer and silence.
We will be starting in the Fitzherbert Community Hub, (adjacent to St John
the Baptist’s Church, Kemptown).
Bring a packed lunch.
10.10am - 4pm [optional Morning Prayer 9am, and Mass 9.30am]
Please book by emailing monksinthecity@worth.org.uk so we have an idea
of how many people are coming.

Monk Talks
We have developed a programme of opportunities to join with the
community for prayer with reflection, contemplation and the
teaching of the Rule of St Benedict.
Join us for Evening Prayer at 6pm in St John the Baptist Church,
Kemptown, followed by soup and bread supper at 6.30pm in the
Fitzherbert Community Hub with a talk at 7pm. All welcome.

Season 5 Monk Talks (2025)
18th February - 'Humility' Fr Richard Carter - Associate Vicar of St Martins
in the Field and Leader of the Nazareth Community.
18th March - 'A Spiral Staircase: the ever-deepening journey of conversion'
Abbot Mark Barret - Abbot of Worth Abbey.